Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008

For Mom anD dAd

Mom and Dad.
no words i can write for both of you
i love you so much and i miss you as time goes by.

i will always love you..
i know that your love so biggest for me..
i know that you also miss me a lot.. like me too
i know that you want me to be with you everytime.

you are a wonderful parents, so gentle, yet so strong..
the many ways you show you care always make me feel top of the world..
you are patient when i am foolish,
you give guidance when i ask...
you are the master of every task..
you help me in times of trouble.
you always give me support when i was fall and you always make me smile again..

i love you more than i can express.
i know i am in your thoughts. your love follows me everywhere..
thank you for all the love that have you given to me so generously.

Thanks Mom and Dad for the everything.

==>> i dedicated for my parents

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